
Welcome to Barbara Rath Pilates

"In 10 sessions you'll feel the difference, in 20 sessions you'll see the difference, and in 30 sessions you'll have a whole new body".

That’s what Joseph Pilates (1883-1976) said about the method he developed, which he originally called Contrology. And it’s true.

Pilates works, and it works fast.

Pilates trains and stretches all muscles, focusing on strengthening the pelvic floor and abdominals. Unlike training in a fitness centre, Pilates trains both the larger muscles and the smaller muscles that provide stability and support the spine. Sleek, flexible and strong but not bulky muscles are developed, leading to improved posture and agility. Pilates is the perfect supplement to every sport as it improves coordination, flexibility and balance.

Students who consistently train Pilates with me, either in my studio or via zoom, become stronger and more flexible. Importantly, some are able to rid themselves of pains they had for years. They also improve their posture, so that they move easier and enjoy to move much more and lead a more active, healthier life. Many people who never liked sports love training Pilates with me because I inspire them and they are able to see results quickly.

I promise you that you will enjoy moving much more, once you have started training with me. You will feel happier in your body and develop an increasing body awareness.

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„Barbaras Expertise, ihre positive Bestärkung und angenehme Art, die tolle Ausstattung des Studios und dass sie jeden dort abholt wo er fitnessmäßig gerade steht begeistern mich. Ich bin fitter und beweglicher geworden und hab mehr Ausdauer seit ich mit ihr Pilates mache.”
„Ich mache seit 2020 mit Barbara Online Pilates. Davor fiel es mir schwer regelmäßig zu trainieren und ich war mit meinem Gewicht nicht zufrieden. Seither hat sich das geändert und ich habe mehr Kraft, mehr Beweglichkeit und mehr Bauchmuskeln. Die individuellen Korrekturen im Online Training gefallen mir sehr gut. Probier es aus, es ist besser als man denkt!”
„Ich mache seit Tag 1 mit Barbara Pilates über Zoom. Obwohl es online ist sieht Barbara jeden „Fehler“ und bessert einen aus, sodass man einen großen Lerneffekt hat. Das ist toll! Ebenfalls finde ich es sehr gut, dass sie immer selbst mitmacht und man so genau sehen kann, wie die Übungen funktionieren! Top!
Große Empfehlung!“
“I started Pilates because of tension in the shoulder area. Since training with Barbara, I have improved posture, mobility, shape and well-being. What I really appreciate about Barbara is her professionalism and reliability. I recommend everyone to try it for themselves.”
"In addition to her professionalism, Barbara's passion and spirit is transferred to her clients. By training with her I have achieved more flexibility, stronger muscles, tightening of my posture, a new body awareness and more mental well-being.”
"Barbara's care is top-notch. She explains the exercises very well and is very patient - just great. Since I've been doing Pilates with her, I've had better mobility, better well-being and no more hip pain. I feel a lot better after training."


Dein Weg zum Pilates Body (&Mindset)

Möchtest du in wenigen Wochen deinen Körper kräftigen, dehnen und deine Haltung verbessern? Und soll dir das Training nicht nur Spaß machen, sondern auch ein Bedürfnis werden?

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